
Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 36

Weekly Goals
- Vision for Weeklie
- San Francisco decision

My entire day was de-railed today. I woke up to find my car having been hit while parked on the street overnight. Of course luck would have it that there was no note left on my windshield or any attempt at giving me contact information. I had to make almost an hour of phone calls to various people to get this sorted out. It totally killed my mood and my plans for the day.

These things will happen...

Things are not gonna work out exactly right, for a time they will, sometimes, but that's when life is just playing a game with you. Anything that can happen, will happen. But during those down moments, that's when the work takes place. The real challenge of growth comes when you get knocked down. You have to be resilient.

I can let it destroy my life, or I can build upon it. It's not going to be easy, but if you're serious you'll go all out. Forgive, and grow.

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